Florida Housing Finance Corporation's New Emergency Rule

FAA News,

The Florida Housing Finance Corporation issued Emergency Rule No. 67ER20-1 on April 29th, 2020. This emergency rule incentivizes owners and operators of properties financed by the Corporation to suspend any rent increases during this public health crisis.

If an applicant can demonstate that it, or an affiliated entity, suspended all rent increases while this rule is in effect, then they will be entitled to a preference in requests for applications (applications for state funding) issued by the Corporation until April 29th, 2021. The specifics of any such preferences will be provided in the individual solicitations. 

Emergency Rule No. 67ER20-1

This rule expires 90 days after it becomes effective or upon expiration of the Governor's Executive Order 20-52 and the President's Major Disaster Declaration for the State of Florida, whichever comes sooner.