News & Resources

Featuring articles from Multifamily Florida, Florida APTitudes, and Legislative Updates

FAA News FAA News : 50th Anniversary

From eviction moratoriums to increases in delinquency rates, Florida’s multifamily industry has been presented with a uniquely difficult set...

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By Kimberly Maggard, CAPS, CPO Royal American Management Inc. I am honored and grateful to be serving as the president of the Florida Apartment...

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Suppliers, prepare to celebrate 50 years of FAA! Plan now for the 2021 Florida Apartment Association Annual Conference & Trade Show —...

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The Future of Florida's Minimum Wage In passing Amendment 2, Florida has become the only state in the union to have a constitutionally mandated...

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Florida APTitudes: FAA Legislative Conference, Meetings to Be Virtual, Call for Participation, and more...

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The First Coast Apartment Association is excited to share the launch of a new partnership with RentJax, a local search helping renters connect with...

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Florida APTitudes: FAA Annual Meeting Recording Available, Housing Costs Study, Call for Presentations, and more...

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By Katie Wrenn, CAPS WRH Realty Services Inc. I am so grateful for the opportunity to be writing this. At the same time, I write it with a heavy...

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By Josh Gold, CAE, CMP It would be an understatement to describe the COVID-19 crisis that has gripped our nation and the world since early spring...

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By Darlyn Finch Kuhn Lori Agudo was frightened. In mid-March, as businesses closed all around her due to the COVID-19 pandemic, she began working...

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By Camila Cal Social media is an integral part of daily life for many Americans. We constantly share, retweet, or like posts because it makes us...

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Inside this issue of Multifamily Florida... President's Message: A Most Unusual Year FAA Update: Rising to the Challenge Cover Story:...

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