News & Resources

Featuring articles from Multifamily Florida, Florida APTitudes, and Legislative Updates

FAA News FAA News : 50th Anniversary

The 2019 FAA Annual Conference & Trade Show blasts off this week with more education than ever before, plus a variety of networking...

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Welcome to the New Florida APTitudes | 2019 FAA Annual Conference & Trade Show Ready to Blast Off | 2020 FAA Legislative Conference...

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Suppliers, prepare to make your mark! Plan now for the 2020 Florida Apartment Association Annual Conference & Trade Show — Make Your Mark,...

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In this issue of Multifamily Florida: President's Message: Thank You for an Exciting and Rewarding Year FAA Update: Lifelong Learning has...

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For the past couple of years, the calls that at least parts of Florida are suffering from an affordable housing shortage crisis have grown louder...

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By Josh Gold, CAE, CMP FAA Executive Vice President “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps...

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Recycling. Sustainability. Energy efficiency. Reducing your carbon footprint. The idea of “going green” has been around for decades, in...

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By Bonnie Smetzer, CPM, HCCP JMG Realty Inc. It’s been an honor to serve as president of FAA this past year. I had several important goals and...

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By Patti Girardi Nearly all Americans support recycling and 75 percent say it should be a priority, according to a recent survey by the U.S....

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What's New in the FAA FAA Leaders Set Vision for Future FAA-AAGO Offer Toolkit to Tackle Affordable Housing Crisis FAA Annual Conference Website...

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Hurricane Advisory As Florida closely watches Hurricane Dorian, multifamily owners and managers have a unique challenge to provide information and...

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Apartment Industry Offers Solutions to Housing Affordability Crisis Study Finds Multifamily Developers Willing to Build Affordable Apartments...

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